Arliss Alert! THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD on TCM 9/23 @ 8 PM Eastern Time

George Arliss returns to the air in prime time. This Tuesday, September 23, Turner Classic Movies (TCM) is showing THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD at 8 PM, eastern time. Better yet, the finale is being shown in its original Technicolor glory! Better not miss this one.

Mr. A as Meyer Rothschild in the film’s prologue:
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Boris Karloff as the antisemitic Prussian Count Ledranz:
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Loretta Young as Julie and Mr. A as her father, Nathan Rothschild:
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A Technicolor frame capture with Loretta Young and Robert Young:
Roth Frame 2

Another frame cap from the Technicolor finale, Florence Arliss and Mr. A: