Restored – THE DEVIL (1920) – Mr. A’s First Film!

I have been learning my way around new digital video programs and have been able to refresh and restore some films that needed help. At the top of the list is Mr. A’s very first film, THE DEVIL, which until it was posted two years ago had been almost entirely unseen since its original release in 1920-21. Grateful for this significant event, we were aware of some shortcomings: the film speed was too fast, the image was rather faded, the opening titles were out of order, the the climatic ending was chopped up and way too abrupt. At the time there was little I could do to remedy these challenges but I’m pleased to unveil a better looking and sounding (music) version. I’ve beefed up the ending a little but I think Mr. A might approve. Please let me know what you think.

The director and the star of THE DEVIL (respectively):
Arliss in devil

A little bit of imaginative promotion by a theater owner:
The Devil _Theater Display 1921

Original lobby cards with hero Edmund Lowe, who later became a major film star in the 1930s:
The Devil003 copy_edited-Final

The Devil002

The Devil LC 1

and now the motion picture itself!

Published in: on February 19, 2016 at 11:31 PM  Leave a Comment  

Arliss Alert! – THE GREEN GODDESS (1930) – on TCM Thurs. Feb. 4 @8AM

THE GREEN GODDESS was Mr. A’s first talkie and was produced during the summer of 1929. At his suggestion, TGG was withheld from release until Mr. A’s second talkie, DISRAELI, had been released first, in October 1929. Mr. A felt that DISRAELI was the better of the two films, an opinion generally shared by most film reviewers of the day. That said, THE GREEN GODDESS is a highly enjoyable film and is quite topical to the 21st century with its story of eastern intrigue, jealousy, and terrorism. George Arliss was nominated for the Best Actor Academy Award together with DISRAELI. It marks the only time in Academy history that an actor competed against himself in two separate films. The voting selected DISRAELI alone, meaning of course, that Mr. A won out against himself. But he also won over other nominees including Ronald Colman and Maurice Chevalier.

THE GREEN GODDESS is wonderful entertainment with Mr. A as the slinkiest of villains. His closing line alone is worth the price of admission!

Green 1930 larger

GG3A Final

GG1A Final

GG2 Final



Published in: on January 31, 2016 at 11:44 PM  Comments (1)  

Happy 2016 and Best Wishes for the Year

2016 Arliss Calendar Final

Published in: on January 1, 2016 at 9:25 PM  Comments (1)